Fahamu seeks to establish a leadership initiative for sex worker rights activists that will holistically build practical movement building, community organizing and activism skills; the theoretical grounding in concepts, theories of change and frameworks for effective advocacy; organizational development skills beyond institutional capacity building; as well as personal development, leadership skills and personal wellbeing learning to strengthen self. We will employ a diverse set of learning methodologies and tools as well as create spaces, platforms and experiences for knowledge generation and peer learning among participants. Based on in-depth learning needs assessment with participants, the sex worker rights movement and global sex worker rights initiatives, we will use both existing Fahamu curriculum and methodologies while adapting and creating new learning tools to achieve the leadership goals of each participant, organization and the program as a whole.
The Sex Worker Leadership Initiative (Pow Wow) will provide existing and emerging activist leadership with conceptual and practical skills to advance the sexual rights agenda in Eastern and Southern Africa as part of a broader agenda for human rights and progressive social transformation.
The outcome of the Pow Wow will be a strengthened sex worker movement in Eastern and Southern Africa able to translate their desired impact into concrete action plans, within which they are able to articulate theories of change, identify and engage allies as well as implement effective, innovative strategies using a diversity of tools from various sights of struggle. In addition, the SWLI will contribute to a strengthened community of activists equipped to create and maintain safety, security and well-being individually and collectively.
The objectives of the Pow Wow will be:
1. Provide learning to sex worker activists’ that supports their personal learning goals, enhances their leadership skills, strengthens their activism and enhances their personal well-being.
2. Create a safe space for sex worker activists to share experiences, learn between themselves and with each other, and develop supporting community.
3. Create networks between sex worker activists and potential allies in country in order to further the sexual rights and health agenda