• Total trade between the EU and Africa increased in value by 10.3% a year between 1999 and 2012. Over the same period, EU imports from Africa increased by 11.3% a year and exports to Africa by 9.3% a year.
• Between 2011 and 2012, the value of total trade between the EU and Africa increased by 8.4%, from approximately US$ 398 billion in 2011 to US$ 431 billion in 2012. Over the same period imports from Africa increased by 13.6%, while exports to Africa increased by only 2.5%. In value terms, this equated to an increase of approximately US$ 29 billion for imports and approximately US$ 5 billion for exports.
• In 2012, the top 10 EU imports from Africa (at the HS4 level) represented 75.7% of the EU’s total imports from all African countries, while the top five import products (at HS4 level) accounted for 70.8% of total EU imports from Africa in that year. This demonstrates that the EU’s imports from Africa are highly concentrated.
Read the full synopsis and its complementing spreadsheet on tralac’s website: http://www.tralac.org/resources/our-resources/4793-africa-eu-trade.html